In the dynamic world of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), standing out in search engine results can be the difference between scaling up and stalling out. As themes improve, content management systems evolve, and search engines get smarter, the traditional tricks of technical SEO are becoming less effective. Yet, the essence of SEO remains unchanged: it’s about delivering exceptional value through your content.

For SaaS startups looking to carve out a niche in the digital landscape, a robust SEO strategy is non-negotiable. Here’s how can help you craft an SEO blueprint that’s not just about rankings, but about growth and engagement.

Step 1: Initiate an SEO Discovery Session for Your SaaS

The foundation of any solid SEO strategy begins with understanding your unique value proposition and how your target audience searches for solutions like yours. At, we recommend starting with a discovery session that dives deep into the following:

  • Your core offerings: What problems does your SaaS solve?
  • Search intent: What search terms do potential customers use?
  • Product features: What sets your service apart?
  • Competitive landscape: Who are your direct and indirect competitors?
  • Market categories: Where does your product fit in the broader software ecosystem?
  • Industry focus: Which sectors are you targeting?
  • Customer use-cases: How do clients leverage your product?
  • Industry-specific language: Are there particular terms or acronyms pertinent to your niche?
  • Integration points: What other products or services does your SaaS work with?

By answering these questions, you’ll have a clearer picture of where your SEO efforts should be directed.

Step 2. Generate a Comprehensive Keyword Portfolio and Conduct Competitor Analysis

Embarking on the journey of Search Engine Optimization for your SaaS startup,, begins with the meticulous task of keyword identification and competitor analysis. This stage is crucial as it lays the groundwork for your SEO campaign.

Crafting Your Keyword Arsenal

To initiate this process, gather a robust list of keywords that are currently bringing users to your site. Utilize an SEO tool like Ahrefs or Moz, which are excellent alternatives to SEMRush, to delve into the “Organic Keywords” report. Here, you’ll focus on understanding your website’s keyword landscape by selecting the appropriate country index that aligns with your target market.

Once you have accessed the report, export a comprehensive list of keywords. Aim for a manageable number — perhaps between 500 to 1000 — to avoid being overwhelmed by data. This step should be replicated for each of your competitors to gain insight into their SEO strategies.

Expanding Your Keyword Universe

With the baseline data in hand, it’s time to broaden your keyword universe. Using the “Keyword Explorer” feature within your chosen SEO tool, input each keyword from your initial list and explore related terms using the broad match filter. This will reveal an array of relevant keywords that share a common theme with your initial set.

Export all keywords that demonstrate a reasonable search volume — consider a threshold of at least 10 monthly searches as a starting point — along with their corresponding metrics such as search volume, cost per click (CPC), and keyword difficulty.

Organizing and Analyzing Your Findings

The next critical step is importing all data into a well-structured spreadsheet. This enables you to compare your keyword performance against that of your competitors systematically. Each competitor should occupy their own sheet within the workbook for clarity.

In this spreadsheet, create a layout similar to the following:

| Your Company | Competitor A | Competitor B | Competitor C |
| Keyword 1    | Ranking      | Ranking      | Ranking      |
| Keyword 2    | Ranking      | Ranking      | Ranking      |
| Keyword 3    | Ranking      | Ranking      | Ranking      |

Here, each row corresponds to a unique keyword, while each cell under the competitor columns reflects their ranking position for that term.

Strategic Competitor Insights

To gain deeper insights into how you stack up against the competition, revisit your SEO tool and analyze each competitor’s domain overview. This will provide you with valuable intelligence on their rankings, traffic trends, domain authority, and more.

By comparing these metrics side-by-side with your own rankings, you can identify where you’re performing well and where there may be opportunities to improve or capitalize on gaps in your competitors’ strategies.

The Tactical Approach: Why It Matters

While this process might seem highly tactical for an overarching strategy, remember that detailed analysis is at the heart of effective SEO. By meticulously understanding where you stand in relation to your competitors and identifying high-potential keywords, you’re setting up for long-term success in search engine rankings.

3. Prioritize Your SaaS SEO Keywords and Phrases for

For SaaS startups like those at, prioritizing SEO keywords and phrases is akin to navigating a roadmap towards success. The digital landscape is teeming with competition, and standing out requires a meticulous approach to selecting the right keywords.

The Art of Prioritization

Begin by revisiting your extensive keyword list. This list is the product of thorough research, considering customer pain points, industry-specific jargon, and competitive insights. With this list in hand, it’s time to prioritize.

Create a new column in your keyword spreadsheet titled ‘Priority Level’. You will use this column to assign a priority status to each keyword: ‘High’, ‘Medium’, or ‘Low’. To streamline the process, temporarily hide all columns except for the ‘Keyword’ and ‘Priority Level’ columns.

Categorizing Keywords

  • High Priority: These are your golden tickets. These keywords are highly relevant to your core offerings and have a significant search volume with moderate competition. They align closely with your SaaS product’s unique value proposition.
  • Medium Priority: Keywords that fall into this category are important but may not be as critical as your high-priority ones. They could be targeting niche segments or have lower search volumes.
  • Low Priority: These are keywords that are tangentially related to your service or have low search volumes. They might not drive significant traffic but can contribute to long-tail search strategies.

Refining Your List

Once you’ve categorized each keyword, filter out and focus on the high-priority terms. Select your top 10–15 keywords from this refined list. These are the terms you’ll want to rank for as they’re most likely to drive qualified traffic to your site and convert into leads or sales.

The criteria for these top-tier keywords go beyond just search volume or competitiveness. They should reflect strategic business goals, such as:

  • Targeting specific buyer personas
  • Aligning with key product features
  • Addressing frequent customer queries
  • Supporting ongoing marketing campaigns

Final Thoughts

Remember, prioritizing keywords for isn’t about chasing the highest search volumes; it’s about aligning with your startup’s growth objectives and ensuring that every piece of content contributes meaningfully towards reaching your target audience.

As you refine your priorities, keep in mind that this process is dynamic. Regularly revisit and adjust your strategy based on performance data, market trends, and changes in customer behavior.

By carefully selecting and prioritizing your SaaS startup’s SEO keywords and phrases, you lay down a foundation for targeted content creation that resonates with both search engines and potential customers – propelling towards its ultimate goal of being the go-to SEO service for SaaS startups.

4. Align Keywords with the SaaS Customer Journey Phases

Understanding the journey your potential customers go through is crucial for creating content that resonates and converts. As you align your keywords with the different phases of the SaaS customer journey, remember that your goal is to connect authentically with your audience, not just to appeal to search engines. Here’s how you can map your keywords to each stage of the buying process:

Awareness Stage

In this initial phase, potential customers are just becoming aware of a problem or need they have. They’re searching for information, not solutions. Your content should be educational and informative. Keywords in this stage are generally broad and have higher search volumes.

Examples might include:

  • “What is CRM software?”
  • “Improving team collaboration”
  • “Data analysis basics”

Consideration Stage

Now, your prospects understand their problem and are looking at different ways to solve it. They’re comparing features, benefits, and providers. Keywords here are more specific and indicate a deeper level of interest.

Consideration keywords might be:

  • “CRM software features”
  • “Team collaboration tools comparison”
  • “Best data analysis practices”

Decision Stage

At this point, potential customers are ready to make a purchase decision. They’re looking for the best solution that meets their specific needs. Keywords here show high intent and often include terms like “software,” “tool,” “solution,” “pricing,” or even brand names.

Decision-stage keywords could be:

  • “Top CRM software for small business”
  • “Affordable team collaboration solutions”
  • “Data analysis tools pricing”

Mapping Strategy

Create a spreadsheet similar to the one for keyword prioritization but with columns representing each stage of the buyer journey. Assign every keyword from your list to the appropriate stage based on the intent it suggests.

By aligning your keywords with the customer journey, you provide a roadmap for content creation that serves your audience at every step, from awareness through consideration to the decision phase. Pro Tip:

For SaaS startups, it’s essential to focus your decision-stage keywords on product or feature-specific landing pages that directly address the user’s search intent. Save educational and top-of-funnel content for blog posts designed to attract and nurture leads at the awareness and consideration stages.

Remember, structuring your content according to the buyer’s journey ensures that you have a balanced approach that nurtures leads effectively toward conversion.

5. Identify SEO Opportunities and Low-Hanging Fruit

In the realm of SEO, not all fruits require a ladder to reach. Some hang low, ripe for the picking, and can yield quick wins for your SaaS startup’s visibility. This is about leveraging what’s already within arm’s reach to boost your rankings with minimal effort. At, we’re all about efficiency and effectiveness.

A. Spotting the Quick Wins

The concept of low-hanging fruit in SEO refers to opportunities that are often overlooked yet can bring significant improvements in search rankings with relatively little effort. These are typically keywords or phrases for which your website is already ranking but not yet on the first page of search results.

Steps to Identify:

  1. Sort Your Rankings: Begin by organizing your keyword list. Sort your current rankings from highest to lowest position.
  2. Focus on Page Two: Pay particular attention to keywords that are ranking at the bottom of page one or anywhere on page two (positions 10-30). These are prime candidates for optimization.
  3. Analyze the SERPs: Look at the search engine results pages (SERPs) for these terms. Note what type of content is ranking well and how you could improve your own content to better match user intent.
  4. On-Page Optimizations: Implement strategic updates to your pages targeting these terms. This can include improving meta tags, updating content, increasing page speed, or enhancing user experience.

B. Utilizing Existing Authority

The advantage of optimizing these pages is that they have already established some degree of authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines — they just need an extra push.

Suggestions for Optimization:

  • Content Refresh: Update stale content with new data, examples, and insights to make it more relevant and valuable.
  • Internal Linking: Strengthen internal links from high-authority pages on your site to these almost-ranking pages.
  • User Engagement: Enhance features that improve user engagement, like multimedia elements or interactive tools.

Ranking on the first page is fantastic, but owning a featured snippet can be a game-changer. These coveted spots provide direct answers to user queries and can significantly increase click-through rates.

  • Answer Questions Concisely: Structure your content to directly answer questions related to your keywords.
  • Use Lists and Tables: Google often pulls lists or tables into featured snippets, so format your content accordingly.
  • Optimize Headers: Use clear, descriptive headers (H2s, H3s) around the content you want featured.

D. Beyond Position 30

For keywords ranking below position 30, consider whether it’s worth the investment to improve their rank. Focus on those with higher business value or those that support strategic topic clusters.

E. The Resource-Savvy Approach

By prioritizing low-hanging fruit first, you’re adopting a resource-savvy approach that yields quicker results with less effort — an essential strategy for startups where resources are often limited.


  • Quick Results: See improvements faster than starting from scratch with new content.
  • Demonstrate Value: Early wins help prove the worth of SEO efforts to stakeholders.
  • Strategic Growth: As you climb in rankings, you build authority that helps subsequent efforts.

At, we understand that every click matters for SaaS startups. By identifying and capitalizing on low-hanging fruit within your existing SEO landscape, you can achieve quick gains that propel your business forward in the competitive digital space.

6. Construct Your Topic Clusters for SaaS SEO

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, the concept of topic clusters has emerged as a cornerstone strategy for SaaS startups looking to enhance their online visibility. At, we understand the importance of structuring your content in a way that boosts your authority and simplifies the navigation of your site for both users and search engines alike.

Imagine organizing a library. Without a logical system, finding a specific book on, say, Python programming would be a hassle. But with everything categorized and labeled, locating what you need becomes effortless. This is the essence of topic clusters – creating a digital library that’s a breeze for Google to peruse.

What Are Topic Clusters?

Topic clusters are collections of interlinked pages centered around a broad topic (the pillar content) and connected to more detailed subtopics (cluster content). This architecture not only helps search engines discern the semantic relationship between different pieces of content but also establishes your site as an authoritative source on particular subjects.

How to Create Topic Clusters

Identify Your Pillar Content

The first step is to pinpoint your pillar content. This should be a comprehensive guide on a broad topic relevant to your SaaS product. For instance, if your software deals with project management, your pillar content might be “The Ultimate Guide to Project Management Software.”

Determine Cluster Topics

Next, break down this broad topic into subtopics or cluster topics. These could include:

  • “Best Practices for Remote Project Management”
  • “Project Management Tools for Agile Teams”
  • “How to Choose Project Management Software”

Each subtopic targets specific queries within the broader subject, catering to various user intents and stages in the buyer journey. They should be more focused and address particular questions or pain points that your potential customers might have.

Map Out the Cluster Structure

Once you have identified your pillar and cluster topics, it’s time to map out how they will interlink. Your pillar content serves as the hub, with each cluster topic linking back to it. In turn, the pillar page links out to each cluster topic, creating a network of related content.

For example, if “The Ultimate Guide to Project Management Software” is your pillar content, it might have sections that provide an overview of each cluster topic. These sections would then link to the dedicated pages or blog posts that delve deeper into those specific areas.

Execute with Precision

With your structure mapped out, begin creating or optimizing existing content to fit into this framework. Start with the cluster topics, as these are typically quicker to rank for due to their specificity and lower competition.

As you publish each piece of cluster content, ensure it links back to the corresponding section in the pillar content. This not only aids in navigation but also reinforces the relationship between the topics in the eyes of search engines.

Optimize for Search Intent

It’s crucial to align each piece of content with the search intent behind the keywords it targets. For instance:

  • Informational Intent: Users looking for knowledge might search for “What is agile project management?” Your content should educate and inform.
  • Navigational Intent: Someone searching for “Project Management Software Features” is likely comparing options. Your content should guide them through different features and their benefits.
  • Transactional Intent: A query like “Buy Project Management Software for Startups” indicates readiness to purchase. Your page should persuade and facilitate this action.

Monitor and Refine

Building topic clusters isn’t a one-and-done task. It requires ongoing analysis and refinement. Monitor your rankings, traffic, and engagement metrics to see which clusters are performing well and which need improvement.

The Benefits of Topic Clusters

By adopting a topic cluster strategy, you can expect several benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: A well-organized site structure helps users find information quickly and efficiently.
  • Increased Page Authority: Interlinking related content passes authority between pages, boosting their potential to rank.
  • Improved Content Focus: Clusters prevent content overlap, ensuring each page serves a distinct purpose.
  • Future-proof SEO: As search engines get better at understanding context, a robust topic cluster model will continue to serve you well.

7. Conduct a Keyword Gap Analysis

As you delve deeper into your SEO strategy, it’s time to uncover the untapped opportunities that lie in the keyword gaps. These are the areas where your competitors might not be as strong, or perhaps they’ve overlooked entirely. By identifying and capitalizing on these gaps, can position its SaaS startups for success in the search rankings.

Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Keyword Gap Discovery

A keyword gap analysis is akin to an explorer charting unknown territories. You’re looking for keywords relevant to your industry that have been neglected by your rivals. These could be low-volume keywords that, when combined, contribute significantly to traffic and authority building.

Step-by-Step Guide to Keyword Gap Analysis for SaaS Startups

  1. Compile Your Keyword Inventory: Begin by listing all the keywords for which your website currently ranks. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush can provide comprehensive lists.
  2. Spy on Your Competitors: Use competitive analysis tools to see which keywords your competitors rank for. You’re especially interested in those where your site is absent from the SERPs.
  3. Identify the Gaps: Compare your keyword inventory with that of your competitors to spot the differences – these are your ‘gaps’. Look for patterns or themes that may suggest new content opportunities.
  4. Evaluate Search Intent: Not all keywords are created equal. Assess whether the keywords in question align with user intent and if they serve a purpose in your customer’s journey.
  5. Prioritize Opportunities: Focus on gaps that offer the most significant potential impact. This could be a combination of high conversion potential and low competition.
  6. Plan Your Content Strategy: Decide on the types of content that will best address these gaps—blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or product pages.
  7. Track and Adjust: Implement tracking to monitor how effectively your gap-targeted content performs and make adjustments as needed.

Why Keyword Gaps Are Goldmines for SaaS Startups

Keyword gap analysis is particularly beneficial for SaaS startups because:

  • It uncovers less competitive keywords that can be easier to rank for.
  • It helps identify niche markets or customer pain points that may not be heavily targeted.
  • It allows you to become an early authority on emerging industry topics.
  • It provides insights into content areas that may attract backlinks naturally.

The Underdog Strategy: Winning with Long-Tail Keywords

While it’s tempting to chase after high-volume keywords, long-tail keywords are often where the real opportunities lie. They tend to have lower competition, and although they attract fewer searches, they usually boast higher conversion rates because they’re more specific.

For example, instead of targeting “CRM software,” a highly competitive term, you might find a gap for “CRM software for freelance photographers.” While the search volume is lower, those searching this term are likely very close to making a purchase decision.

Execution: From Analysis to Action

Once you’ve identified your keyword gaps, it’s time to take action:

  • Develop Content Around Gaps: Create valuable content that fills the identified gaps. Be sure it’s optimized for both users and search engines.
  • Optimize Existing Content: If you have existing content that’s relevant to your discovered gaps, update it to include these new target keywords.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Keep an eye on how well your gap-focused content performs in search results and continue refining your approach based on data-driven insights.

By conducting a thorough keyword gap analysis and strategically acting upon the findings, can help SaaS startups not just compete but dominate niche segments within their market. This level of SEO finesse can lead to increased visibility, authority, and ultimately, customer acquisition.

Implementing Your SaaS SEO Strategy: The 70/20/10 Framework

When it comes to executing a solid SEO strategy for your SaaS startup, it’s crucial to prioritize and allocate your efforts effectively. Adhering to the 70/20/10 framework can lead to a well-rounded and effective SEO campaign that drives tangible results. Let’s break down how you can apply this rule to your strategy at

70% – On-Page SEO and Content Creation

The lion’s share of your SEO success hinges on the quality and optimization of your on-page elements and content creation. This is where 70% of your focus should lie. Here are the key areas to concentrate on:

Content is King

Crafting high-quality, informative, and engaging content is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. Your content should not only be optimized for search engines but also resonate with your target audience. Consider the following when creating content:

  • Value Proposition: Every piece of content should clearly articulate the value your SaaS product offers, solving specific pain points for your users.
  • Keyword Integration: Seamlessly incorporate keywords into your content without compromising readability. Use tools like Ahrefs or Moz to identify relevant keywords.
  • Content Depth: Create comprehensive guides, tutorials, and case studies that establish your brand as an authority in the SaaS space.

Technical Optimization

Beyond content, the technical aspects of on-page SEO are vital. Ensure that each page is meticulously optimized for search engines:

  • URL Structure: Use clean, descriptive URLs that include target keywords.
  • Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling title tags and meta descriptions with target keywords to improve click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Header Tags: Structure your content with header tags (H1, H2, H3) to enhance readability and keyword prominence.
  • Image Optimization: Use descriptive alt tags for images, compress file sizes for faster loading times, and include relevant keywords.

20% – Internal Linking and Technical Fixes

Once you’ve nailed the on-page content, shift 20% of your focus to refining the internal structure and addressing technical issues:

A robust internal linking strategy helps distribute page authority throughout your site and enhances user navigation:

  • Link Equity Distribution: Use internal links to pass value to important pages, such as feature pages or high-converting landing pages.
  • Contextual Relevance: Link related content together to help search engines understand the relationships between different pieces of content.

Technical Health

Regularly audit your website for technical improvements:

  • Site Speed: Optimize load times as site speed is a ranking factor and critical for user experience.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your site is responsive and provides a seamless experience across all devices.
  • Error Resolution: Fix broken links, 404 errors, and redirect chains that can hinder search engine crawlers.

The final 10% of your SEO strategy should focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks and engaging in outreach efforts:

Backlinks remain a powerful ranking signal. Focus on earning backlinks from reputable sources within the SaaS industry:

  • Guest Blogging: Contribute valuable content to authoritative websites in exchange for a backlink.
  • Resource Link Building: Reach out to websites with resource pages that could benefit from linking to your valuable content.

Outreach Efforts

Building relationships with influencers, bloggers, and other SaaS companies can lead to organic backlink opportunities:

  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers who can authentically promote your product.
  • Social Media Engagement: Actively engage with your community on social media platforms to increase brand visibility and attract natural backlinks.

By following the 70/20/10 framework, you’ll ensure that each aspect of SEO receives the attention it deserves. Remember, consistency is key—you must regularly monitor performance metrics and adjust your strategy as needed. With a well-executed plan, can drive significant traffic growth and position itself as a leader in the competitive SaaS market.

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